The above image belongs entirely to the fine folks at clockworkpi, I’m only using it to showcase their product and do not intend on editing or owning it in any way.
My GameShell
The box arrives
February 5th, 2019 - The Gameshell arrives! Looking forward to unboxing it!
i put together the front and the back before following the ikea-reminiscent instructions to put it together
February 7th- Once the little guy was all put together I booted it up. Love this little loading screen they have for the “Clockwork OS”
February 10th - Loaded a bunch of ROMS up on it and have enjoyed playing it for a bit. This is a shot of the main menu UI.
February 10th - Here’s a shot of PICO-8 booting up on the device. As of this day in 2019, you can install PICO-8 by updating, and then dragging the Raspberry Pi zip file to the /home/cpi/games/PICO-8 folder. When you launch the application from the main menu, it will install.
Turns out the place you put game cartridges is different though, as that is in ~/.lexaloffle/pico-8/carts instead.