Fixing the Linksys WUSB6300 situation on Nobara/Fedora Linux

Greetings there, fellow nerds!

This’ll be a short post. I have a little Linksys wifi adapter laying around that I’d like to use with my prior Guest Gaming Build, however it appears I’ll need a specific driver to get it up and running.

On first startup, with this in the USB port of that desktop, no lights come on and nothing happens. I haven’t updated this machine in a while, so let’s run through some updates! After going from a 5.19.x kernel to a 6.0.10 kernel on the Nobara Linux KDE install I have on there, and restarting the system, no change was witnessed. Now I’ll jump into the terminal here and see about git cloning a certain project to get the kernel modules installed for what seems to be a realtek adapter.

As we can see from the initial effort here, I was unable to get the driver properly installed. Looking deeper into it, there’s some dkms modules that may need to be removed and cleaned up, as it’s not seeing the proper dkms.conf file here.

….actually it turns out I just needed to build the driver manually using that git repo! Things are working out fine now! See below.

Successfully connected to my home network, and am now updating the steam games and other stuff I have on that rig for visitors. Yes, I also unplugged that Ethernet cable afterwards. One thing I’ll have to keep in mind is that I may have to rebuild the driver whenever I install a fresh kernel, but this machine only sees monthly updates, so it should be fine.