Used Projects For Sale! (also Decky Loader news)

Greetings, fellow nerdlings. I’ve finally got the store page for my site up and running! While Squarespace makes it easy to set up websites and stores, I ended up futzing around with my images and where to put descriptions for too long, so it took about two months lol.

The store page can be accessed clicking the link above or by clicking the Projects For Sale tab at the top of my site. Help me sell these machines to people that are in need, as well as fund other fun projects along the way!

In other updates, I’ve also had to re-image my Steam Deck due to breaking the UI too often with Decky Loader plugins. It seems that the current pre-alpha build here of Decky Loader is the only one that was booting for me when I was running the Beta channel OS of SteamOS 3 on my deck. That said, the pre-release build was crashing fairly often and I may have installed one too many plugins. Now that I’ve reinstalled a bunch of games and made sure the Chrome shortcut in Deck UI is heading to XCloud properly again, I think I’ll just stick to the VibrantDeck extension that makes your screen look a lot better.

Ignore the clutter on that workbench, I’m about to replace the guest gaming desktop’s wifi adapter with a little nub as well as replace a touchpad on a T440p soon.

Sorry if the above image here seems blurry. This was from when I headed over to the home of GloriousEggroll and we finished working on updating the BIOS for the Upcycle V2 build that I’m now selling in my Projects For Sale store here. We had to upgrade the BIOS about 5 times- due to the many iterations that have been released- and now it’s working perfectly with the faster RAM and GPU that were added. More information via the store listing HERE.

That said, I think I’ll keep the older, likely-less-worth-money Upcycle V1 build that has an old i7-3xxx processor and Radeon 6770 1GB video card, as I don’t think there will be as much interest in buying that as there will be for the Ryzen 5-based Upcycle V2.

The Upcycle V2 system is now back at my place, safe and sound. Just need to re-mount the PCIe-screw-cover that goes into the back and we’re good to go for sale. Note that I’ll be selling it with no OS installed, unless the new owner wants a specific OEM-Installable Linux distro installed. That’ll be the policy for all my hardware, as I won’t be paying for Windows licenses.

After I got the games reinstalled on Deck, and ProtonGE builds installed via ProtonUP for games like Shatterline and Halo MCC, I started running through a Brotato run again as well haha. This is basically a single-player equivalent to Vampire Survivors, except completely written in Godot which is pretty cool. Godot is an open source game engine, and it’s nice to see games on Steam utilizing it.

I also received my Pibox recently! I’m looking forward to working on hosting things once I can get two 4TB 2.5” drives for it. I have quite a bit I’d like to host on it…